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Alaverdi monastery
Alaverdi monastery situated amid the vineyards of Kakhetia.

Amazing Georgia

If ever a country left an unforgettable memory to me it was Georgia. My visit to Georgia was short, but offered a plethora of special experiences. For a small country it possesses a wealth of richness of culture, wine, history, beautiful nature, mountains and great people.
The dish of Macedonian chef Igor Stepanovski

A Miracle Of Hazelnuts

Piemonte’s well-known products are wine and rice. But hazelnuts are an important produce too and are found everywhere in Piemonte. The local variety is called ‘tonda gentile’, known for its rich taste.

Conero Docg Riserva, Great Classic

Italy’s Adriatic coast is a long strip of sandy beaches, from Venice to Gargano giving space to thousands of tourists each summer. One exception breaks this pattern: Monte Conero, a huge mountain of 572 meters above sea level, south of Ancona, a rock of intense white chalk, covered with a natural park with woods and wildlife.
Perche Ho Creato Il Mio Vino

Perche Ho Creato Il Mio Vino

‘Perché fare un vino – c’è già troppo vino nel mondo?’ Questa domanda mi viene spesso posta dopo che la gente ha sentito parlare di un vino prodotto da me.
Perche Ho Creato Il Mio Vino

Why I Created My Wine

Why making a wine – there is already too much wine in the world?’ This question is often asked to me after people heard about me producing a wine.
Long-running hill range

Fruška Gora, Island Of Wine

Fruška Gora is a long-running hill range, in Srem district, west of Belgrade, partly in Serbia and partly in Croatia. It’s name is originating from Frankish period in 9th century, when the Germans called it ‘Frankenwald’.
Carignano del Sulcis

Treasure Wines From Sardinia

The richness of indigenous grapes makes Sardinia´s viticulture highly interesting and this in combination with the original gastronomy makes Sardinia a wonderful destination.

Sardinia, Much Interesting Wines To Discover

Sardinia is one of Italy´s largest regions, but for long it´s image was that of a desolate island and shepherd´s paradise and not much more… And, yes, there are still shepherds living a quiet life with their sheep..

Is It Ok to Party?

Three days ago my friend, Paul Truszowski (a wine journalist from Berlin born in Poland), posted on social media about enjoying and partying at this time of the year.

South East: Piemonte´s Great White Alternative

Piemonte, once only known for its great red wines, is changing face. A new, but in fact old, territory is receiving increasing international attention for its great white wines. In speaking terms it is called ´Isola dei bianchi’, refering to Gavi and Colli Tortonesi in south-east Piemonte.
Valter Bera and sons
Valter Bera and sons

Bera, authentic Piemontese family in Langa

Who visits the scenic Langhe hills in Piemonte and enjoys a dinner in one of it´s fine restaurants drinking some sips of Barolo or Barbaresco DOCG will not realize that this disctrict was one of Italy´s poorest until 1970.

Cherasco, Peace Treaties, Snails And.. Barolo

Near the Langhe this interesting town is situated on a high rock at the point where the rivers Stura and Tanaro flow together. Cherasco hides much culture and history behinds its walls, it is one of those rather well preserved, authentic places in Piemonte.